Tuesday, 23 November 2010


500 grams of peaches
2 oranges
2 bananas
100 grams of sugar
2 cinnamon bars
A pint of orange juice
1 litre of white wine
1 litre of red wine
A pint of mineral water
Ice cubes

Peel the fruits and cut them into smaller pieces. Pour them into a bowl and sprinkle sugar over them. Add the cinnamon bars, white wine and red wine. Place the bowl in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving: Pour mineral water into the sangria and add ice cubes.

Source: Winfood´s diet program for PC. Blue: Alcohol. Green: Carbohydrate. Red: Fat. Yellow: Protein.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Calculation of energy and energy percentage distribution:

The energizing nutrients carbohydrate, protein and fat provide various food with energy: When we eat, the body "burns" these nutrients and they are converted to energy. This energy is measured in kilojoules (KJ) and in general 1 g. carbohydrate is converted to 17 KJ, 1 g. protein to 17 KJ and 1 g. fat to 38 KJ, (according Atwater´s figures).

An example: If you want to calculate the energy content in milk, do it this way:

Protein:            3,4 g x17 kJ = 57,8 KJ

Carbohydrate:  4,8 g x 17 kJ = 81,6 KJ

Fat:                  1,5 g x 38 kJ = 57 KJ

Total                                    = 196,4 KJ

(The packaging shows how many grams of the various nutrients there are per 100 g. of the food).

It means that when you drink 100 g. of milk, your body converts the nutrients to 196,4 KJ of energy.

The energy percentage distribution is then:

Protein:           (57,8/196,4) x 100 = 29 %

Carbohydrate: (81,6/196,4) x 100 = 42 %

Fat:                    (57/196,4) x 100 = 29 %
When you drink this milk 29% of the energy is from protein etc.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Good news :-D

Many figured that the Mediterranean diet was a thing of the past, but now it has achieved status again: See this page

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Why the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean diet.   
- Life is wonderful      

A degree in home economics contains both a practical and a theoretical part. As regards the practical part, I did the dishes you see at the image above, (click at each image to enlarge). Any eye will notice that not only vegetables are represented in the picture.
Many mistakenly believe that health, vegetables, abstinence and "self-discipline" are closely linked. But it´s a major misunderstanding: Health is very much also about pleasure, happiness and a certain lifestyle. This is precisely what the Mediterranean diet is about. Isn´t it wonderful?

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

A bit about my background:

Some years ago, as a bachelor of education student, one of my main subjects was home economics.
Now I've always been interested in the broad concept of health: So the Mediterranean diet was a term I would look to the bottom. Unlike the traditional Nordic diet recommendations, it involves multiple health issues. Obviously, the topic for the final examination in home economics was the Mediterranean diet.
This blog is about the knowledge I have in this area and the thoughts and studying that I'm still doing on the subject.